7 tales, Korčula Sound Map

Edition 2018 of the first Korčula island sound map is rather personal story. From over hundred hours of field recordings I chose 55 "space-time windows" curated in to 7 sound tales.

The approach of this particular edition is quite heuristic, considering my private and professional life during the season, I would record only as a parallel activity next to everyday obligations. Rarely field recording of a particular place was my dedicated time. 

I grew up on the island, therefore I am deeply familiar with it, nevertheless, still every year I find new places and get impressed over their beauty, complexity and richness. Unfortunately, in the last couple of years it became very difficult to watch the devastation that uncontrolled investment into mass tourism is provoking. So my recording practice became more frequent, perhaps also a bit anxious, and it stopped being only a sonic template of my artistic practice but rather an environmental research as well.

From art to conservation, my work around this map will last for years and will always be labeled as a cultural activism. The first series are already on the road, under the title Crni otok / The Black Isle and are shaped through performance art, sound art, installation, digital & interactive art, visual & inter-media arts.

Enjoy scrolling through the island's precious sounds!


Vrnik, from the olive tree above the Popovic amphitheater 42°56'17.2"N 17°10'08.0"E
Adriana's Dock undersea 42°56'18.5"N 17°10'07.7"E
Under the old boat on the beach edge 42°56'18.4"N 17°10'07.9"E
Bek's pier undersea 42°56'17.5"N 17°10'10.8"E 
Between rocks at the end of the village path 42°56'12.6"N 17°10'17.8"E 
Flat rocks facing Gubavac 42°56'05.0"N 17°10'21.9"E

The Town

Sound walk down the central street from the Cathedral to the Monument  42°57'41.8"N 17°08'09.9"E
Hydrophone in the broken ewer 42°57'42.8"N 17°08'12.1"E
Third Zakrjan undersea 42°57'41.4"N 17°08'13.8"E
Sunday Bells of St Marco 42°57'41.8"N 17°08'10.4"E
Puntin inside the rock barrier 42°57'47.3"N 17°08'09.2"E
Rain & Thunder in Depolo Street 42°57'42.8"N 17°08'12.1"E
Andrej's Barrier undersea 42°57'45.8"N 17°08'11.3"E
Top of the West port undersea 42°57'48.1"N 17°08'08.3"E

Small Dock behind the Monument undersea 42°57'39.3"N 17°08'02.7"E

To the Forest

Anti​-​fa memorial for the killed teen Cebalo 42°57'43.3"N 17°07'42.2"E 
Water for Fire Tank, Bernardo Bernardi walk 42°57'36.9"N 17°07'47.9"E 
Novi puti belvedere bench 42°57'34.2"N 17°07'55.2"E 
Road to Forteca 42°57'36.1"N 17°07'48.1"E 
Forteca Repetitor 42°57'31.1"N 17°07'50.3"E 
Medvinjak deep in the bay 42°57'38.1"N 17°07'35.1"E 
Rocks behind Medvinjak 42°57'49.5"N 17°07'12.9"E
Sea pool behind Medvinjak 42°57'49.5"N 17°07'12.9"E
Sound walk from Strećica to Novi puti 42°57'38.4"N 17°07'39.0"E

Maks Vanka & Sveti Nikola

Mandrač Marina Edita's Corner undersea 42°57'45.3"N 17°07'44.2"E 
Hole in the stone barrier between the Monastery & the Gallery 42°57'46.9"N 17°07'47.7"E 
Miniature sea pool under the Monastery 42°57'46.5"N 17°07'46.4"E 
No anchoring sign sea pool 42°57'47.1"N 17°07'48.9"E 
Algae carpet under the St Nicola's Monastery 42°57'46.7"N 17°07'47.2"E


Night Crickets at the Lighthouse 42°55'05.3"N 17°12'04.6"E 
Ražnjić sea pool facing Glavat 42°55'03.1"N 17°11'59.6"E 
The Lighthouse sound walk, Rt Ražnjić 42°55'00.6"N 17°12'07.0"E 
Ražnjić, breathing water cave 42°55'05.3"N 17°11'59.9"E 
Rain in the tent in early Autumn 42°55'04.7"N 17°12'03.1"E 
Lenga, sea pool facing Ražnjić 42°55'18.7"N 17°11'49.9"E 
Vela Pržina beach at night 42°55'03.6"N 17°11'14.2"E
Defora at the Crystal Rock 42°54'47.4"N 17°11'37.0"E 
Solo for the vineyard cricket 42°55'12.1"N 17°10'50.4"E

Away from Home

Kneže, hydrophone buried in the gravel 42°58'33.7"N 17°02'29.0"E 
Kneže, crabs & fish on the flat rocks 42°58'35.8"N 17°02'29.5"E
Samograd undersea 42°58'27.0"N 16°59'39.5"E
Pupnatsko poje 42°56'59.6"N 17°02'09.8"E
Bačva undersea 42°55'25.8"N 17°02'44.9"E
Water caves in Orlanduša 42°54'56.9"N 17°04'59.5"E
Glogovac undersea 42°54'39.4"N 17°08'59.9"E