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Seasonal #10 Framework Radio
an international platform dedicated to field recording and related sound experimentation, presenting compositions by Manja Ristić, Julie Rousse and Alan Courtis.
an international platform dedicated to field recording and related sound experimentation, presenting compositions by Manja Ristić, Julie Rousse and Alan Courtis.
The sound and inter-media art series Crni otok / The Black Isle comprehends the continuous research in the fields of eco acoustics (bellow and above the sea, of the natural habitats, semi-urban environment and artificially induced micro spaces) of the island of Korčula in Adriatic sea. The work examines implementation of environmental sound in sound art composition, and in the context of musical form, it proposes intuitive approaches in recognizing self-generative structures.
Poetical narrative is driven by the recordings of site-specific interventions, discovered micro spaces (such are small sea ponds between the rocks or artificially built water for fire tank in the forest), as well as particular recording interventions like burying hydrophones in the gravel or attaching the contact microphones to site-specific objects.
Duration 20 min 09 sec
Framework Radio
Released September 23rd 2018